Published inThe StartupRunning a Convolutional Neural Network on Raspberry PIPreviously, I’ve installed a Jupyter + TensorFlow on a Raspberry Pi’s K8s cluster. Today I’ll train a Convolutional Neural Network on it.Sep 30, 20201Sep 30, 20201
Published inThe StartupJupyter Notebook + TensorFlow on a Raspberry Pi’s Kubernetes ClusterLast time I’ve deployed CockroachDB into my Raspeberry Pi’s Kubernetes cluster now it’s time for Jupyter Notebooks with TensorFlow support.Sep 25, 20201Sep 25, 20201
Published inThe StartupDeploying CockroachDB on a Raspberry Pi’s Kubernetes ClusterRaspberry Pi 4s now have 64 bits ARM processors and 2, 4, or 8GB of RAM. This made them quite interesting to build a K8s clusterSep 2, 20202Sep 2, 20202